1st World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography
Buxton, United Kingdom
14th - 17th April 1999
ISBN: 978 0 853 16317 6
Session A1: Applications
The Role of Electrical Resistance Tomography in the U.S. Nuclear Waste Site Characterization Program
W.Daily and A. RamirezPage 2
Detecting Leaks from Waste Storage Ponds Using Electrical Tomographic Methods
Andrew Binley, William Daily and Abelardo RamirezPage 6
Complex Resistivity Tomography for Environmental Applications
Abelardo Ramirez, William Daily, Andrew Binley and Douglas LaBrecquePage 14
2D and 3D Subsurface Resistivity Imaging Using a Constrained Least-Squares Algorithm
Manel Gasulla, Josep Jordana and Ramón Pallás-ArenyPage 20
Leakage Detection In Buried Pipes By Electrical Resistance Imaging
Josep Jordana, Manel Gasulla and Ramón Pallás-ArenyPage 28
Monitoring Flame Position and Stability in Combustion Cans Using ECT
RC Waterfall, R He, P Wolanski and Z GutPage 35
Internal Structures in Fluid Beds of Different Scales: An Application of Electrical Capacitance Tomography
R B White and A ZakhariPage 39
Using ERT For Multi-Phase Flow Monitoring
W W Loh, R C Waterfall, J Cory and G P LucasPage 47
Analysis and Flow Regime Identification of Bubble Column Dynamics
M A Bennett, S P Luke, X Jia, R M West and R A WilliamsPage 54
Direct Imaging of Two-phase Flows By Electrical Impedance Measurements
Eric Hervieu and Paulo Seleghim JuniorPage 62
Control of Pneumatic Conveying Using ECT
D Neuffer, A Alvarez, D H Owens, K L Ostrowski, S P Luke and R A WilliamsPage 71
Measurements of Gas-liquid Mixing in a Stirred Vessel using Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT)
M Wang, A Dorward, D Vlaev and R MannPage 78
Modelling of Multiphase Processes Using Tomographic Data for Optimisation and Control
H. Tabe, S J R Simons, J Savery, R M West and R A WilliamsPage 84
ECT Studies of Bead Fluidization in Vertical Mills
David M Scott and Oliver W GutschePage 90
Application of Capacitance Electrical Tomography for On-Line and Off-line Analysis of Flow Patterns in a Horizontal Pipeline of a Pneumatic Conveyer
KL Ostrowski, R A Williams, S P Luke and M A BennettPage 96
Session A2: Applications
Industrial Monitoring of Hydrocyclone Operation Using Electrical Resistance Tomography
J Bond, J C Cullivan, N Climpson, I Faulkes, X Jia, J A Kostuch, D Payton, M Wang, S J Wang, R M West and R A WilliamsPage 102
Measuring Flowing Foam Density Distributions Using ERT
J J Cilliers, M Wang and S J NeethlingPage 108
Interfacing of EIT into an Industrial Pressure Filter A Practical Example
B D Grieve, T Dyakowski, R Mann and M WangPage 113
Detecting Filter-cake Pathologies in Solid-liquid Filtration: Semi-tech Scale Demonstrations using Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT)
D S Vlaev, M Wang, T Dyakowski, R Mann and B D GrievePage 120
Advanced Profile Gauge for Multiphase Systems
R B Schüller, M Halleraker and B EngebretsenPage 126
Performance and Application Studies of an Electrical Resistance Tomography System
K Primrose and C QiuPage 133
Development of Electrical Capacitance Tomography for Solids Mass Flow Measurement and Control of Pneumatic Conveying Systems
A Arko, R C Waterfall, M S Beck, T Dyakowski, P Sutcliffe and M ByarsPage 140
A Behaviour of A Catalyst Powder Flowing Down In A Dipleg
S J Wang, D Geldart, M S Beck and T DyakowskiPage 147
Measurement of Bulk Particulates on Belt Conveyor Using Dielectric Tomography
R A Williams, S P Luke, K L Ostrowski and M A BennettPage 153
Modelling and Mapping Electrical Resistance Changes Due to Hearth Erosion in a 'Cold' Model of a Blast Furnace
M Wang, S Johnstone, W J N Pritchard and T A YorkPage 161
Dynamic Combustion Tomography
Tadeusz Piotrowski, Andrzej Plaskowski, Maurice Beck and Malcolm ByarsPage 167
Session S1: Algorithms
Image Reconstruction of an Electrical Capacitance Tomography System Using an Artificial Neural Network
T D Sun, R Mudde, J C Schouten, B Scarlett, C M van den BleekPage 174
Algorithms of 3D Cone Beam Tomography For Incomplete Data
O Trofimov, S Kasjanova and D BadazhkovPage 181
An Algorithm Based On Perturbation Theory For Electrical Capacitance Tomography
L F C Jeanmeure, W B J Zimmerman, T Dyakowski,AJ Jaworski, and G A Davies,Page 184
Analytical Solution to the Three Dimensional Electrical Forward Problem for a Circular Cylinder
F Kleinermann, N J Avis and F A AlharganPage 189
Opportunities for Data Fusion in Multi-Modality Tomography
R M West and R A WilliamsPage 195
Microwave Imaging of 3D Lossy Dielectric Objects Using Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques
AT Nugroho and Z WuPage 201
Information Retrieval by Electrical Capacitance Tomography: Evaluation of an Iterative Algorithm and the Importance of Boundary Conditions
H McCann, W Q Yang and N P PolydoridesPage 206
Detection of Scattering and Absorption by NIR Tomography
Thomas DierkesPage 211
Developments of 3-D Reconstruction Algorithms for ERT
P A T Pinheiro, W W Loh and R C WaterfallPage 569
An Improved Normalisation Approach For Electrical Capacitance Tomography
W Q Yang, M ByarsPage 215
Development of Electromagnetic Tomography (EMT) for Industrial Applications Part 2: Image Reconstruction and Software Framework
A R Borges, J E de Oliveira, J Velez, C Tavares, F Linhares and A J PeytonPage 219
Session A3: Applications
Three-Phase Flow Measurement in the Offshore Oil Industry ? Is There a Place for Process Tomography?
Richard Thorn, Geir Anton Johansen and Erling A HammerPage 228
Development of a Variable Density Flowmeter for an Industrial Application
R Deloughry, M Young, E Pickup and L BarrattPage 236
Investigation and Model Validation of Media Motion in a Vertical Stirred Mill Using Positron Emission Particle Tracking
J Conway-Baker, R W Barley, R A Williams, A J Clarke, J A Kostuch and D J ParkerPage 244
Testing of the Failure of the Solid Rocket Propellant with Tomography Methods
Krzysztof Tomkiewicz, Andrzej Plaskowski, Maurice S Beck and Malcolm ByarsPage 249
Characterization of Semi-crystalline Polymers Using MRI
Apostolos Kantzas and David AxelsonPage 256
Application of Gamma Camera Imaging and SPECT Systems in Chemical Processes
Apostolos Kantzas, Kelly Hamilton, Taghi Zarabi, Amit Bhargava, Ian Wright), Glen Brook and Jinwen ChenPage 264
Network Analysis of Filter Cake Pore Structure by High Resolution X-Ray Microtomography
C L Lin and J D MillerPage 272
Tomographic Measurements of Micro- and Macromixing Using the Dual Wavelength Photometry
Mathhias Buchmann and Dieter MewePage 281
A Portable Capacitance Probe for Detection of Interface Levels in Multi-Phase Flows - A Case Study
AJ Jaworski, T Dyakowski and G A DaviesPage 289
Tomographic Imaging of the Void Distribution in Bubble Columns During Blowdown
D Schmitz and D MewesPage 297
Session H1: Hardware
Development of Electromagnetic Tomography (EMT) for Industrial Applications Part 1: Sensor Design and Instrumentation
A J Peyton, M S Beck, A R Borges, J E de Oliveira, G M Lyon, Z Z Yu, M W Brown and J FerrerraPage 306
Electrical Capacitance Tomography with a Square Sensor
W Q Yang and S LiuPage 313
The Measurement of Dielectric Properties of Liquids at Microwave Frequencies Using Open-ended Coaxial Probes
A. Boughriet, Z Wu, H McCann, and L E DavisPage 318
Multi-Sensor Process Tomography System Design: Part 1 ? Systems and Hardware Engineering
B S Hoyle, F J W Podd, H I Schlaberg, M Wang, R A Williams, and T A YorkPage 323
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Electrostatic Field for Electrical Resistance Tomography
K L Ostrowski and R A WilliamsPage 328
Experimental Study of the Guard Electrodes in an ERT System
Yixin Ma, Ling-An Xu and Changzhen JiangPage 335
Void Fraction and Flow Regime Determination by Low-Energy Multi-Beam Gamma-Ray Densitometry
E Abro and G A JohansenPage 339
Electrochemical Issues in Impedance Tomography
A. McNaughtan, K Meney and B GrievePage 344
Effect of Axial Guard Electrodes on Sensing Field of Capacitance Tomographic Sensor
Hui Xu, Gang Yang and Shi WangPage 348
Session H2: Hardware
Investigation of the Two-phase Countercurrent Flow in Structured Packings using Capacitance Tomography
T Loser, G Petritsch and D MewesPage 354
Conception of a High Resolution X-Ray Computed Tomography Device: Application To Damage Initiation Imaging Inside Materials
E Cendre, P Duvauchelle, G Peix, J-Y Buffière and D BabotPage 362
Evaluation of Integrated Electrodes for Electrical Capacitance Tomography
Philip Williams and Trevor YorkPage 370
A Microcontroller-based High-speed Serial Link For Process Tomography Systems
H K S Lim and W Q YangPage 377
Imaging Nylon Polymerisation Processes by Applying Electrical Tomography
T Dyakowski, M Mikos, D Vlaev, R Mann, G W Follows, A Boxman and M P W WilsonPage 383
Simulation Study of Capacitance Tomography Sensors
Hua Yan, Fuqun Shao, and Shi WangPage 388
A Sensing Circuit For Micro-Capacitance Tomography
Iwan Evans, Alan Somerville and Trevor YorkPage 395
X-Ray Computer Tomography - Potential and Limitation for the Measurement of Local Solids Distribution in Circulating Fluidised Beds
T Grassler and K-E WirthPage 402
Three-dimensional Effects in Electrical Impedance Tomography
M WangPage 410
A Fast Active Differentiator Capacitance Transducer for Electrical Capacitance Tomography
W K Hartveld, P A van Halderen, R F Mudde, C M van den Bleek, H E A van den Akker and B. ScarlettPage 564
Session S2: Algorithms
An Improved Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique For Electrical Capacitance Tomography
Su Bangliang, Peng Lihui, Yao Danya, Zhang BaofenPage 418
Efficient Sampling of the Exponential Radon Transform
Laurent Desbat and Raphaël ThierryPage 423
Iterative Image Reconstruction From Projections Based On Generalised Kaiser-Bessel Window Functions
Filip Jacobs and Ignace LemahieuPage 427
Tomographic Reconstruction Using Ridge Functions
Ivan KazantsevPage 433
Multipath Flowrate Measurements of Symmetric and Asymmetric Flows
M Rychagov, STereshchenko, B Dean and L LynnworthPage 438
Parametric Modelling In Industrial Process Tomography
R M West, X Jia, and R A WilliamsPage 444
Eddy Current Tomography for Metal Solidification Imaging
Minh H Pham, Yingbo Hua and Neil B GrayPage 451
Multi-Sensor Process Tomography System Design: Part 2 - Data Processing and Systems Software Design
B S Hoyle, X Jia, H McCann, F J W Podd, H I Schlaberg, R M West and R A WilliamsPage 459
Development of Iterative Algorithms for Industrial Tomography
A V Likhachov, V V Pickalov, N V Chugunova and V A BaranovPage 463
Electromagnetic Monitoring of Internal Structure of Three-Dimensional Objects
V G YakhnoPage 470
Electrical Impedance and Diffuse Optical Tomography Reconstruction Software
W R B Lionheart, S R Arridge, M Schweiger, M Vauhkonen and J P KaipioPage 474
Session E1: Emerging Technologies
Near Infra-Red Absorption Tomography for Measurement of Chemical Species Distribution
S J Carey, H McCann, D E Winterbone and E CloughPage 480
Optical Tomography for Dielectric Profiling in Processing Electronic Materials
L Zeni, R Bernini and R PierriPage 488
Optical Tensor Field Tomography for the Determination of 3D Stress in Photoelastic Materials
D SchuppPage 494
Feasibility Study of Planar-Array Electromagnetic Inductance Tomography (EMT)
S Ramli and A J PeytonPage 502
Optical Fibres For Process Tomography: A Design Study
S Ibrahim, R G Green, K Dutton, R Abdul Rahim, K Evans and A GoudePage 511
Fibre Optic Lens Modelling for Optical Tomography
N Ramli, R G Green, R Abdul Rahim, K Evans and B NaylorPage 517
Preliminary Studies of Planar Capacitance Tomography
Alan Somerville, Iwan Evans and Trevor YorkPage 522
Optical Fluorescence Auto-Projection Tomography: A Novel Modality
Francis Hindle and Hugh McCannPage 530
Waveform Inversion in Acoustic Pyrometry
Helmut Sielschott and Frank WübbelingPage 538
Simultaneous Compensation for Attenuation, Scatter and Detector Response for 2D-Emission Tomography on Nuclear Waste with Reduced Data
Raphaël Thierry, Jean-Luc Pettier and Laurent DesbatPage 542
Status and Applications of Microelectrical Resistance Tomography
H S Tapp and R A WilliamsPage 552
Monitoring Particle Flows by Displacement Current Sensing
M.Machida, B.ScarlettPage 560