11th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography
Spatio-temporal void fraction visualization on air-water two phase flow in vertical and horizontal pipe by combination of multiple current-voltage and machine learning (MCV-ML)
T.Kanamoto1, Y.A.K. Prayitno1,2, S.Miwa3, and M.Takei1
1Chiba University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chiba, Japan
2Universitas Gadjah Mada, Vocational College, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yogyakarta ,Indonesia
3The University of Tokyo, Nuclear Professional School of Engineering, Ibaraki, Japan
One of the essential parameters for the safety and optimal control of industrial facilities is the void fraction α, which represents the percentage of gas phase volume in a unit volume of a pipeline. However, accurate α estimation is difficult due to the unsteady and inhomogeneous flows. In this study, Spatio-temporal void fraction α was visualized by combination of multiple current-voltage and machine learning (MCV-ML).MCV-ML has two phases which are 1) ML training and 2) ML evaluation. In the 1), several ML were developed for visualizing the spatio-temporal void fraction. In order to make training data for ML, in-situ void fraction is measured using WMS, and MCV voltage is simulated. In the 2), the actual MCV measured voltage and inputted into ML for visualizing the spatio-temporal void fraction. Experiments were conducted on air-water two phase flow in vertical pipe. As a result, the images of spatio-temporal void fraction is successfully generated. The spatial-averaged temporal void fraction estimated by trained ML shows qualitative agreement with void fraction measured by Wire-mesh sensor.
Keywords: void fraction, two-phase flow, multiple current-voltage, machine-learning
Industrial Application: General
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