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International Society for Industrial Process Tomography

11th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography

Current status in research on a 32-electrode sensor in 2D electrical capacitance tomography

D. Wanta1, W.T. Smolik1*, O. Makowiecka1, P.Wróblewski1, M. Midura1

1 Division of Nuclear and Medical Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland



Electrical capacitance tomography is a low spatial but high temporal resolution imaging technique. Increasing the number of electrodes in the sensor improves spatial sampling. At the same time, the signal-to-noise ratio worsens due to a reduction of electrode area and a decrease in the value of inter-electrode capacitance. There is a paradigm that increasing the number of electrodes above 12 does not improve image quality, especially the spatial resolution of an image, in typical applications of 2D ECT. The paper analyses imaging quality using a sensor with 32 electrodes in one ring. The test object, intended to assess image spatial resolution, was used to conduct the research. The actual measurements were performed using EVT4 tomographic system.

Keywords: capacitance measurement, electrical capacitance tomography, spatial sampling, image spatial resolution, image quality

Industrial Application: General.

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