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Mexico City 6 - 8 September 2023


The Proceedings of the World Congress in IPT (ISSN 2309-3870) are available under Open Access terms on the ISIPT website.  ISIPT members have full access to all proceedings.  Non-members can freely access Abstract information.  The ISIPT World Congress Proceedings are widely abstracted - for example by Elsevier Scopus.

Presented Papers will be published in ISIPT World Congress Proceedings – ISSN 2309-3870.  

Journal Special Editions will be available for selected papers from WCIPT-11, subject to quality and relevance.  

For further publication the 6-page WCIPT-10 Congress Paper must typically be expanded to include further in-depth description and extended results and discussion.  

Special Editions have been agreed with: -

IoP - Measurement Science and Technology Journal – see Impact factor: 2.398 (2023), ISSN: 0957-0233 (print); 1361-6501 (web), History: 1923–present. Special Edition on: Tomographic Process Measurement.  IoP MST operates a hybrid Open Access policy and offers a variety of publication options from Subscription Access to Open Access.

MDPI – Sensors Journal – see Impact factor: 3.847 (2023), ISSN 1424-8220, History: 2001-present. Special Edition on: Tomographic Sensors for Industrial Process Control.  MDPI journals are Open Access and may require fees. 
More details will be available later.


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