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International Society for Industrial Process Tomography

3rd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography

Characterisation of the Correction Map for an OFAPT Sensor with Fibre Receivers

Krikor B Ozanyan and Hugh McCann Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, UMIST,

PO Box 88, Sackville Street, Manchester, M60 1QD, UK


This work addresses the problem of correction map calculations, essential for the design of an OFAPT sensor head. Instead of discretizing an analytically derived equation, relevant to a certain symmetry, discretization is implemented on the algorithmic level, thus developing a universal, fully numerical approach to sensitivity calculations. The algorithm is built around the calculation of the efficiency of the fluorescence collection from a small discrete voxel. Further, the contributions from all voxels, excited by an OFAPT laser beam at a given distance from the receiver's tip, are added together, to yield the efficiency of the sensor head. OFAPT measurements are simulated on a 64x64 phantom and a suggested algorithm for measured data correction is implemented and assessed. On this basis, optimal excitation beam and receiver configurations are discussed.

Keywords Sensor head, OFAPT, correction map, algorithm.

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