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International Society for Industrial Process Tomography

3rd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography

Using X-ray Microtomography to Improve the Characterisation of Catalyst Pore Structure

L Ruffino1, R Mann1, R Oldman2, E H Stitt3, E Boller4, P Cloetens4, M DiMichiel4, J Merino4

1 Department of Chemical Engineering, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester, M60 1QD Email:

2 The Royal Institution of Great Britain, 21 Albemarle Street, London, W1S 4BS, UK

3 Johnson Matthey, PO Box 1, Belasis Avenue, Billingham, Cleveland TS23 1LB, UK

4 ESRF, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, BP220, F-38043 Grenoble Cedex, France


The use of a high-energy synchrotron radiation source has permitted the introduction of high- resolution X-ray microtomography imaging as a method of non-intrusive and non-destructive three- dimensional visualised characterisation of porous media. The use of a combination of X-ray microtomography, along with mercury porosimetry and LMPA (Low Melting Point Alloy) intrusion potentially provides a more complete approach to more accurate catalyst pore structure characterisation and modelling.

Keywords Porous media, LMPA intrusion, Synchrotron radiation, Pore network models.

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